What We Offer
All We Do For You
We are Real Live Human Beings, striving to say "YES" to all your wine needs.
We are an independent, family-owned affair; daring to demonstrate "The Wine Shop Difference" for wine lovers looking beyond the mundane and mass-produced.
We rent a very large space in Downtown Pleasanton (the original movie house!) in order to thoughtfully provide:
* Over 1,000 Great Wines from All Over the World - and we personally SHOW these to you!
* 6 Different Monthly Wine Clubs (members get 10% off TWS products!)
* A Mezzanine WineBar - New Menu Each Week!
* Themed Wine Classes and Wine Events
* Customized Wine Events for YOUR Private Group
* A Growing Array of Fine Meats, Cheeses, & Other Foods
* Wine Accessories - Useful and Whimsical
* 85 Temperature-Controlled Wine Lockersfor Lease
* Gift Baskets and other Gift Wine Arrangements
* Shipping your wine purchases to anywhere legal